Locate Summer Meals Here

Locate Summer Meals Here

2024 Healthy Home Plate Challenge is here!

Eat Healthy, Play Hard, and Win Big!

Game is August 24th 6pm

How to Play!

 Here's how families can score the tickets:

  • Complete the activities on the card for all four weeks.
  • Follow the QR Code or click button below to complete the challenge and get tickets
  • Or return the completed card to the organization you got the card from

** All children aged 2-17 are eligible with their sponsoring program. 

Families will receive 2 free tickets per card completed to a Fisher Cats baseball game on August 24th at 6:35 pm! If families have more than 1 child,  they can complete one card per child. For example, 2 children = 2 cards completed = 4 tickets!!

Bonus Chance:

Families who visit a summer meal site will be entered to win a $100 NFL store gift card from New England Dairy! 


Get Your Free Tickets Here!

Get Your Free Tickets Here!

Español? Português? Français? عربي? kiswahili?

Get information here!

To learn how to get tickets and participate follow the QR code for your language in the image.

Answer the Summer Meals Survey for BONUS Prizes!

To answer the survey and a chance to win select your language and follow the QR Code


Thank You Sponsors for Making This Possible!


We advocate to end food insecurity, improve access to nutritious food, and address hunger’s root causes
for all New Hampshire residents.  Your donations keep us going strong.
Join our email list for updates from NH Hunger Solutions

100 N Main St, Suite 400 • Concord, NH 03301 • 603.225.2264 • info@nhhungersolutions.org