Join a Coalition
Food councils are coalitions that represent community stakeholders from an array of backgrounds and organizations that come together to improve local food systems and/or address issues of hunger.
Other names for food councils can include food policy council, food access coalition, hunger councils, and more. The membership, structure, funding, and function of food councils can vary depending on the needs of the communities they serve. New Hampshire Hunger Solutions supports, participates in, facilitates, and provides technical assistance to regional and statewide food councils and coalitions across New Hampshire.
The links below list food councils and coalitions that NH Hungers Solutions leads or partners with across the Granite State by region.
- NH Food Access Coalition
- Meets virtually on the 4th Wednesday of every month
- SNAP Coalition
- Meets virtually on the 3rd Wednesday of every month
- NH Food Access & Policy Research Network
- NH Food Alliance
- Children's Nutrition Impact Network
- Meets virtually on the 2nd Thursday of every month
Greater Monadnock
- Monadnock Children’s Food Access Alliance
- Monadnock Farm & Community Coalition
- Monadnock Understands Childhood Hunger
- Healthy Monadnock Alliance
Upper Valley
- Hunger Council of the Upper Valley
- Meets virtually on the 2nd Tuesday of every other month
Seacoast & Strafford
- Seacoast Food Providers Network
- Seacoast Area Coalition
Greater Manchester
- Manchester Food Collaborative
- Meets virtually on the 4th Tuesday of every month
Greater Nashua
Capital Area
- Capital Area Food Access Coalition
- Meets in person on the 2nd Thursday of every month
Lakes Region
- Lakes Region Food Access Coalition
Greater Derry
- Greater Derry Region Coalition
Carroll County
- Carroll County Food Access Network
- Meets the second Tuesday of every month through Zoom
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North Country
- North Country Food & Agriculture Council
- Contact Becky Colpitts to get involved