8:30 - 09:00am

Breakfast & Registration

9:00 - 9:30am

Welcome Remarks

  • Tribal Welcome & Land Recognition
  • Paul & Denise Pouliot - Head Speakers, Cowasuck Band of the Pennacook Abenaki People
  • Jessica Gorhan, MPH - Deputy Director
  • NH Hunger Solutions
  • Tiffany Brewster, MPH, MS, RD - Community Engagement Director
  • NH Hunger Solutions

Morning Breakout Sessions One

9:30 - 10:20am

Advocacy 101 for Nonprofits (option 1)

This session will discuss how to advocate for policy change in NH. We will provide an overview of the NH state legislature and how to participate in the legislative process, outline the difference between lobbying and advocacy and considerations nonprofits should make, and discuss best practices for different ways of advocating to policymakers. 

  • Speakers
  • Jess Wojenski - Training Manager, New Futures
  • Jillian Andrews Dubois - Community Engagement Coordinator, New Futures


Taking Action to Help Students Thrive (option 2)

A short presentation about the importance of school meal participation in addressing nutrition insecurity among K-12 students in NH, challenges being experienced by school nutrition programs, and policy activities at the state and federal level followed by a facilitated discussion to identify actions to advance policies and systems change in support of increasing school meal participation.

  • Speakers
  • Jeanne PierceDirector of School Nutrition, Exeter Region Cooperative School District
  • Alyson Foote, RD - Child Nutrition Director, NH Hunger Solutions
  • Jessica Gorhan, MPH - Deputy Director, NH Hunger Solutions


SNAP Eligibility Training (option 3)

NH Legal Assistance Attorney Ray Burke will give a general overview of SNAP so that you can help people likely to be eligible to access the program. The presentation will cover the application process, general eligibility rules, and some rules for specific populations.

  • Speakers
  • Raymond Burke - Co-Director, Benefits Project; NH Legal Assistance


Co-Creating Change: Best Practices for Centering Lived Experience in Nutrition Equity Work (option 4)

We will utilize the Community Engagement Continuum to frame conversations about centering people with different kinds of lived experience in food/nutrition access work. We will discuss strategies to augment our ability to effectively engage with and serve all people in our communities. This session will include small group discussion of real world scenarios facilitated by the SPINE community consultants in a guided conversation to apply concepts.

  • Speakers
  • Dr. Trinidad Tellez - Principal, Health Equity Strategies, LLC
  • Chelsea Laguerre - Regional Community Engagement Coordinator, NH Hunger Solutions

Morning Breakout Sessions Two

10:30 - 11:20am

Uniting for Impact: Addressing the Challenges to the ending of SNAP Emergency Allotments and other COVID Flexibilities (Option 1)

Join us for a critical update on the impending changes to the SNAP Emergency Allotments and COVID-related flexibilities. Learn about the ongoing challenges and what organizations are doing to address them. Together, we will discuss ways to make a meaningful impact and support those who will be most impacted.

  • Speakers
  • Raymond Burke - Co-Director, Benefits Project; NH Legal Assistance


Building a Sustainable and Equitable Food System: Exploring the Intersections of Climate, Agriculture, and Nutrition Equity (option 2)

This presentation will provide a broad overview of how the industrial food system contributes to climate change, and how dietary patterns impact and are affected by climate and agriculture. We will consider the ways in which the industrial food system causes food insecurity and diet-related diseases that disproportionately affect marginalized communities and have a discussion about how we can work to address these issues, exploring a range of approaches that can lead to improved health and wellbeing.

  • Speakers
  • Dr. Analena Bruce - Assistant Professor, Agriculture, Nutrition, and Food Systems; University of New Hampshire


Revolutionizing Food Access through Healthcare: A Game-Changing Panel and Discussion (option 3)

Please join our panelists in a presentation and discussion surrounding The Role of Healthcare in Food Access. This session will include an overview of how New Hampshire’s healthcare system screens for food insecurity, collects data to inform the program design and efforts to coordinate care between health and social care entities.

  • Speakers
  • Chelsey Canavan - Manager, Center for Advancing Rural Health Equity, Dartmouth Health
  • Beth Gustafson-Wheeler - Director of Population Health, Foundation for Healthy Communities
  • Nadine Lamontagne, Community Engagement Manager, Unite Us


Breaking Down Barriers: A Low Barrier, High Dignity, Choice Model for Equitable Food Access in Direct Service Organizations (option 4)

This session will discuss how a low barrier, high dignity, choice model can provide equitable access to fresh, healthy food. We will examine how this model can be implemented by smaller food security organizations and include a discussion for service providers. We will also touch on the potential for expanding this model through the Community Food Center model from Canada. Attendees will leave with valuable insights and ideas for promoting equitable access to food.

  • Speakers
  • Anne Hayes - Executive Director, Gather

11:30 - 12:00pm

The State of Hunger

Join NH Hunger Solutions Executive Director Laura Milliken as she delves into the current state of hunger in New Hampshire and offers a glimpse into the organization's plans for tackling the issue in the upcoming year. With a focus on both current initiatives and future policy developments, Laura will provide a comprehensive overview of the organization's efforts to combat hunger, along with their partners, and the potential impact they could have in the coming year. The information will set the stage for an afternoon of brainstorming and creating a roadmap for action in the coming year.


  • Speakers
  • Laura Milliken - Executive Director, NH Hunger Solutions


Celebrating Champions of Nutrition Security: NH Nutrition Security Awards Ceremony

Join us for a special awards ceremony honoring legislators who were instrumental in moving legislation to improve nutrition security in the 2022 session. We will also recognize community leaders who have made significant contributions to the field of nutrition security. This event will be a celebration of the progress made towards creating a more sustainable and equitable food system, and an opportunity to recognize the individuals who have helped to make it possible.

12:00am - 12:45pm


12:45  - 1:30pm

Keynote: Coalitions for Collective Impact: Achieving Food and Nutrition Security

Join keynote speaker Bobbie Bagley as she discusses the role of coalitions and collective impact in achieving food and nutrition security. Following her talk, a panel of regional coalition leaders from across New Hampshire will share their experiences and insights on the successes, challenges, and opportunities of coalition work in the state as it relates to improving food and nutrition security. This is a unique opportunity to learn from the leaders driving positive change in their communities and to explore ways to get involved in coalition efforts in your own region.

  • Speakers
  • Bobbie Bagley - Director, City of Nashua Division of Public Health and Community Services


  • Panelists
  • Jocelyn Desmarais - Director of Development & Advocacy, The Community Kitchen
  • Elaine Michaud, JD, MPH - Supervisor, Neighborhood & Family Health Branch, City of Manchester Health Department
  • Mike Apfelberg - President, United Way of Greater Nashua
  • Heidi Barker - Healthy Living Field Specialist, University of New Hampshire Extension


1:40 - 3:00pm

Regional Spaces: Advancing Nutrition Equity in New Hampshire by Region: Building Connections and Co-Creating a Roadmap for Success

Join us for a special 1.5 hour breakout session focused on advancing nutrition equity in the state of New Hampshire. We will break out into smaller groups by region to build connections, identify potential opportunities for collaboration, and co-create a roadmap for success. Together, we will discuss the steps needed to achieve our goals, key stakeholders to involve, and potential challenges. Come prepared to actively participate and share your expertise as we work towards improving nutrition equity in our communities.

3:15 - 3:30pm


3:30 - 4:30pm

Networking & Happy Hour

We advocate to end food insecurity, improve access to nutritious food, and address hunger’s root causes
for all New Hampshire residents.  Your donations keep us going strong.
Join our email list for updates from NH Hunger Solutions

100 N Main St, Suite 400 • Concord, NH 03301 • 603.225.2264 • info@nhhungersolutions.org